Tag Archives: IPM

Exoskeletons – The Part That Goes Crunch

Why Insects Crunch by Wizzie Brown Insects and other arthropods have an exoskeleton, which means their “bones” are on the outside of their body. The exoskeleton serves as a protective covering, helps prevent desiccation, allows muscles to attach to it from the inside for movement, and provides sensory information. Four Layers The exoskeleton is made up of four layers: epicuticle, procuticle, epidermis and basement membrane. The most outer layer, the epicuticle, serves as a barrier to the outside environment and helps the insect avoid desiccation. If you have… Read More →

Backyard Bug Hunt: IPM Basics

Join Wizzie Brown for this month’s Backyard Bug Hunt: IPM Basics Wizzie Brown, County Extension Program Specialist – Integrated Pest Management, talks about Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Basics When: Time: January 19, 2024 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada) How: Join Zoom Meeting Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Monthly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZcld-2prD4iHNU9B1S6QgZYrURGPbcMPLIJ/ics?icsToken=98tyKuGrpjsuG9aQuB-GRpwqGoigLOvzpiVHgo1oxT20MHZiZTnPJNdwFYJ9E_Xg Additional Resources Integrated Pest Management AgriLife Extension Entomology Pesticide Safety Education Resources About Wizzie Wizzie Brown County Extension Program Specialist – Integrated Pest Management Email:EBrown@ag.tamu.edu Wizzie has been with… Read More →

Woollybear Tiger Moth Caterpillars

Woollybear Caterpillars Common Right Now Woollybear caterpillars of the Tiger moth have been a common sight lately in the Central Texas area. These insects are native to the United States and are sometimes called “woollybear caterpillars”. “Woollybear caterpillar” is a more general term that refers to various species of caterpillars that are densely covered in hairs, called setae, and tend to wander. Common Color Variations While these caterpillars can be highly variable for individual species, the common ones seen lately are woollybear (Isabella tiger moth), saltmarsh caterpillar (saltmarsh… Read More →

Texas Tarantulas by Wizzie Brown

Texas Tarantulas Use Hair As Defense Tarantulas, also known as baboon spiders in Africa or hairy spiders in South America, are the largest spiders in the world. They can be found on every continent except Antarctica. Tarantulas have two body regions, eight legs, and hairy bodies. Tarantulas that are found in North and South America have hairs used in defense. These tarantulas use their legs to flick hairs off their abdomen and into the face of predators. Hairs cause irritation to the eyes and mucous membranes. Tarantulas can… Read More →

Backyard Bug Hunt: Red Imported Fire Ants

Join Wizzie Brown for this week’s Backyard Bug Hunt: Red Imported Fire Ants Wizzie Brown, County Extension Program Specialist – Integrated Pest Management, talks about fire ants you may find in your backyard bug hunt. When: Time: Apr 28, 2023 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada) How: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83579211231?pwd=U3NoMC83aGNQSVpCQVBqSmp2Tk5Idz09 Additional Resources Integrated Pest Management AgriLife Extension Entomology Pesticide Safety Education Resources About Wizzie Wizzie Brown County Extension Program Specialist – Integrated Pest Management Email:EBrown@ag.tamu.edu Wizzie has been with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service since 2002… Read More →

Backyard Bug Hunt: Rose Insects

Join Wizzie Brown for this week’s Backyard Bug Hunt: Rose Insects Wizzie Brown, County Extension Program Specialist – Integrated Pest Management, shares which rose insects should be on your Backyard Bug hunt. When: Apr 7, 2023 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkceirqz0rEtHRI1XIKTOW1uol4YE7NPq5 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting Additional Resources Integrated Pest Management AgriLife Extension Entomology Pesticide Safety Education Resources About Wizzie Wizzie Brown County Extension Program Specialist – Integrated Pest Management Email:EBrown@ag.tamu.edu… Read More →

Cutworms by Wizzie Brown

It’s That Time of Year for Cutworm Damage Granulate cutworms are damaging in the immature, or larval stage. Cutworms can cut plant seedlings stems off at the soil level and on older plants they can climb the plant and feed on foliage or fruit. Young larvae skeletonize leaves while older larvae eat holes in foliage, feed on the surface of fruit, or burrow into fruit. Larvae are nocturnal, which may make it difficult to discover the culprit of plant damage. You may need to inspect the garden at… Read More →

Help Overwintering Insects by Wizzie Brown

Provide Shelter for Overwintering Insects If you want to help increase the survival of overwintering insects these next few months, there are some things you can do to provide them with shelter during colder times of the year. Why Bother? First of all, why should you provide shelter for overwintering insects? Not all insects are pests! It is estimated that less than 5% of insect species are considered pests which means the majority of insects are beneficial or just hanging around the landscape. Any of you that have… Read More →

Gossamer Winged Butterflies by Wizzie Brown

Gossamer winged butterflies, family Lycaenidae, are the second largest family of butterflies after Nymphalidae. There are over 6,000 species in the world with over 100 species in North America. Characteristics of Gossamer Winged Butterflies Adults are small, usually under 5 cm, brightly colored, and often metallic. Many species will have tails on the hindwing. The larvae are flattened and slug-like and have a gland that releases a sugary substance similar to honeydew that is used to “bribe” ants for protection. Lycaenindae is split into 7 subfamiles, 3 of… Read More →

Floodwater Mosquitoes by Wizzie Brown

All Abuzz About Mosquitoes If you’ve been outside lately, you have most likely noticed the giant mosquitoes that seem to want to pick people up and carry them off. With recent weather conditions, floodwater mosquitoes have emerged in large numbers. Floodwater mosquitoes lay their eggs above the water line in ponds, ditches, pastures, or other places where water collects. The eggs can remain in dry areas and when these areas are flooded the eggs hatch, leading to swarms of hungry mosquitoes. These mosquitoes are larger than mosquitoes we… Read More →