Tag Archives: houseplants

Houseplant Care Workshop at Demonstration Garden Open House

Houseplant Care Workshop Set for February 2 Houseplant Care will be discussed at the Texas A&M AgriLife Demonstration Garden. Master Gardener Laura Holland will be discussing basic houseplant care and selection. Her talk starts at 9 am and will last for about an hour. Join Us in the Demo Garden The first Friday of every month is designated as an open house for the Texas A&M AgriLife Earth-Kind Demonstration Garden at 1600 Smith Road, Austin. You’ll be able to visit the garden and speak with the Travis County… Read More →

Container Gardening at 2023 Earth-Kind Field Day March 25th

Container Gardening 101 Focus for Spring 2023 Earth-Kind Gardening Field Day Come join the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and Travis County Master Gardeners for our Spring 2023 Earth-Kind Gardening Field Day! It will be Saturday, March 25th from 9 am to 1 pm at the Travis County AgriLife Extension office located at 1600 Smith Road, Austin, TX 78721. Parking is available along Smith Road. The event is free and open to the public. The spring 2023 theme is Container Gardening 101 – for indoor and outdoor gardening…. Read More →

Overwintering our Friends by Marge Trachtenberg

Overwinter Plants During Austin’s Crazy February Storms We have all read the books and articles on how to overwinter plants in the house. We read that we should start getting them used to less light, less water, less fertilizer, and less attention. We read that we should check for diseases, insects or even slithering critters, before making the transition from outside to inside. It all makes for good common sense, especially for those of us with a geranium or two, a Sansevieria that lives under the trees all… Read More →