Tag Archives: Health

How to be Healthy on a Budget

By: Doris Vallejo-Aguilar, UT Intern, Spring 2017 You might think it is hard to eat healthy when you do not have a lot of money. Sadly, when people think this way, they pick up unhealthy nutritional habits. There is a way, however, to be healthy on a budget! Before you go to the grocery store, check to see what you have in your pantry or refrigerator. This helps you figure out what you need to buy. Also, take the time to plan family meals. This will also help… Read More →

Let’s Talk about Breastfeeding

By Doris Vallejo-Aguilar, UT-Austin Spring Intern There is no doubt that breastfeeding is a healthy practice for mothers and babies. The problem is not all mothers know the benefits of breastfeeding. Mothers may also have questions about breastfeeding. Some of these questions may include, are there foods I should avoid eating while pregnant? How often should I breast feed? How will I know whether my baby is getting enough milk? When should I introduce the bottle if I decide to stop breastfeeding or alternate between breast milk and… Read More →

Health Trends in Travis County

By Doris Vallejo-Aguilar, UT-Austin Spring Intern Why is it important to know about the health diseases where you live? If you can prevent any health issues, you need to know what is going on around you. In Travis County, the number one cause of death is cancer. Heart disease is the second major cause of death in Travis County. Did you know that heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States too? People may get these diseases because they do not exercise or… Read More →