4-H Shooting Sports Information

Travis County Shooting Sports Club


Welcome to our county 4-H shooting sports club! Information about the 4-H Texas Shooting Sports program (rules, requirements, and handbook) can be found here:  https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/projects/shooting-sports/

Pistol Discipline

Our Travis County Shooting Sports Club air pistol practice is generally held on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at Austin Rifle Club, located at 16312 Littig Rd in Manor. Please enter the secondary gate near the Education Building. The Education Building gate is about .25 mile west of the ARC main gate. Bring your own eye protection, and wear closed-toed shoes. We have spare shooting glasses if you arrive without yours, but it’s always best if you bring your own!

We have air pistols available for practice. If you bring your own, air pistols must be unloaded and transported in a pistol bag or case. Ammo must be stored separately from air pistol case. No handling of air pistols is allowed until under supervision and given instruction by the certified 4-H pistol coach.

Please check the Travis County 4-H Calendar for currently scheduled practices and events:


Shotgun, Rifle, Archery, Muzzleloading, and Western Heritage Disciplines

We are seeking enthusiastic coaches to lead and/or assist with all 4-H shooting sports disciplines. Seniors (high school-aged 4-H youth members) can also become certified junior shooting sports coaches! We also need more parents to help run the club. We have incredible resources among our 4-H coaches, 4-H mentors, and Austin Rifle Club’s support of our youth shooting sports program. Please reach out, it will be fun! If you are interested in helping to coordinate a discipline, contact our county 4-H agent Morgan Newton.

Youth Leadership Development

We would like to make plans for our youth leadership team for the upcoming school year. Parents of youth interested in serving on the Travis County Shooting Sports Club leadership team please contact our 4-H agent Morgan Newton.



Is 4-H membership required to attend Travis County Shooting Sports Club (TCSSC) events?

Yes, 4-H membership is required to participate in the TCSSC shooting activities, and families may sign up their kids for $25 each at Texas 4-H Online: https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/4honline/. Please affiliate with the “Travis County 4-H Shooting Sports Club,” however affiliation with any Travis County 4-H club will satisfy the membership requirement.

Do I need to purchase my own equipment?

No, Travis County Shooting Sports Club has equipment for members to use at shooting events. We encourage families to introduce their 4-H youth to different shooting sports disciplines before they decide on investing in equipment for their family. If you do have equipment that you would like to use at our events, please let the coach(es) know.

How do I become a registered 4-H adult volunteer?

Register at Texas 4-H Online, https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/4honline/, for $10. Complete online training and a background check. We encourage all adults to become registered 4-H volunteers.

How do I become a certified 4-H shooting sports coach?

Adults must be registered 4-H volunteers to become a 4-H certified shooting sports coach. High school youth who complete the coach training become 4-H certified junior coaches, developing valuable leadership skills and are role models for junior and intermediate 4-H’ers. To become a certified coach, complete online training and attend an in-person training class. For more information, visit the Texas 4-H Shooting Sports website: https://texas4-h.tamu.edu/projects/shooting-sports/


Contact Information:
County Extension Agent
4-H and Youth Development
(512) 854-9600

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