Small Acreage/ New Landowners

Travis County East Service Center 6011 Blue Bluff Road, Austin, TX, United States

Interested in learning about rules and guidelines for Agriculture Tax Exemption in Travis County. Join our in-person meeting at 6011 Blue Bluff Road Austin, Texas 78724 and speak with a Travis County Appraiser. Please sign up with the link provided below or use the QR Code.


Agriculture Financial Assistance Workshop

6011 Blue Bluff Rd Austin, Texas 78724 6011 Blue Bluff Road, Austin, TX, United States

Interested in learning about different financial, technical, funding and grant programs. If you are a landowner, farmer, rancher and looking to get involved in agriculture, this program is geared towards you. Lunch is included. If you have any questions, please contact Travis County Extension Office at 512-854-9600 or email Kayli Caruthers at Join us: Friday April 4th, 2025 Time: 9:00am-1:00pm Location: 6011 Blue Bluff Road Bldg A. Austin, Tx 78724 Cost: $20.00 at the door (CASH OR CHECK ONLY) Please click on the link below to register:;!!OAqB8m26hw!psaZk3yu6szZHyOUX1xXOxmF9UgOKsk7VAEU2eIz2iIKDcQuwOghNnkoqlPXpbfffx3NhE8MSR9u_0-2mbhCRSY63AqHjl7vM1S2B9fROdY$
