Private Applicators Training

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Office - Travis County 1600-B Smith Rd., Austin, United States

Need to obtain a pesticide license to better maintain your home or property? Travis County Agrilife Extension Office will be a holding a Private Applicator Training class on Friday October 11th from 9am -1 pm. This three hour program will prepare prospective pesticide applicators for Texas Department of Agriculture Exam.  All books and study guides will be provided for a 65$ fee. Please pay at the door with either checks or exact change. All checks can be made out to Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service. The class can... Read More →


Cattle Clinic Oct 10th

Hutto Ag Barn 791 Destiny Lane, Hutto, TX, United States

This free clinic will include live demonstrations, hands on training and a showmanship contest. This clinic is open to anyone. Bring your families and friends. Lunch will be provided. Click the link to sign up now. Location: Hutto Ag Barn: 791 Destiny Lane, Hutto, TX 78634 United


Small Acreage/ New Land Owners

Online Webinar

Interested in learning more about the ownership goals as a new landowner. Join our free webinar November 8, 2024, from 12:00pm-1:00pm. Hosted by Dr. Megan Clayton. Please sign up with link provided or QR Code.


Small Acreage/New Landowners

Online Webinar

What's Realistic with your land. Join our free webinar November 20, 2024, from 12:00pm-1:00pm. Hosted by Dr. Liz Tidwell. Please sign up with the link provided below or QR Code.


Small Acreage/ New Landowners

Travis County East Service Center 6011 Blue Bluff Road, Austin, TX, United States

Interested in learning about rules and guidelines for Agriculture Tax Exemption in Travis County. Join our in-person meeting at 6011 Blue Bluff Road Austin, Texas 78724 and speak with a Travis County Appraiser. Please sign up with the link provided below or use the QR Code.
