Vegetable Gardening in Austin

Face made of vegetables

Photo courtesy Kerry Drake, Sunshine Community Gardens

What Vegetables Grow in Austin?

Finding success with vegetable gardening in Austin and Central Texas is all about knowing when to plant and which variety can handle the weather. The temperature fluctuations, hot summers, and freezes can make gardening a challenge. Many things do very well here, but may not thrive using the same calendar or variety selection as other areas of the country.

Top Resources

Vegetable Problem Solvers

Golden zucchini bloom - vegetable gardening in Austin

Golden zucchini

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s Vegetable Resources page has many Fact Sheets (on specific vegetables), Guides, and “Problem Solvers”.

Top Resources

Vegetable Garden Planning

Most vegetables require sunlight, but don’t require a traditional full size plot. Plant your veggies in containers and in your landscape to save space. Here are a few resources to give you inspiration:

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Vegetable Harvesting

Red tomato - vegetable gardening in AustinThe whole point of growing vegetables is to eat them! Use these links to find out when to harvest vegetables at peak maturity, tips on proper handling techniques, and how to store them if you don’t plan on eating them right away.

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Additional Vegetable Gardening Resources

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