From Trash to Treasure

Interested in using recycled materials in your garden? Use these ideas to help get you started converting trash to treasure!

BIRDBATH #1 Birdbaths made from recycled materials
Level of Difficulty: 1 out of 10 (SUPER Easy)
Source: JaNet Booher
Total Cost: ~$24
Total Assembly Time:  1.5 hours, excluding shopping time.

Level of Difficulty: 4 out of 10 (Moderately Easy)
Source: JaNet Booher
Total Cost: ~ $110
Total Assembly Time:  3.5 hours in 2 parts, excluding shopping + 2 hour wait to let glue dry before attaching to the base. 3 days for final drying.



Planter box from recycled materialsPLANTER BOX
Level of Difficulty: 2 out of 10 (Easy)
Source: JaNet Booher
Total Cost:  $20.50
Total Assembly Time: 2 hours with clean-up & touch-up; 2nd planter takes 15 minutes, so get enough tiles for 2 or 3.





PLANT STANDPlant stand from recycled materials
Level of Difficulty: 8 out of 10
Source: JaNet Booher
Total Cost:  $20.50; $13 without glue.
Total Assembly Time:  4 hours.





VERTICAL GARDENVertical garden from a wooden pallet
Level of Difficulty: 3 out of 10
Source: Kate Pruitt at Design Sponge
Total Cost: Estimated from $15 – $35 depending on plants chosen
Total Time:  2.5 hours





Growbox kit
Source: Don Freeman, Ron Miller, and Lisa Anhaiser


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