Author Archives: maria.rosario

How to be Healthy on a Budget

By: Doris Vallejo-Aguilar, UT Intern, Spring 2017 You might think it is hard to eat healthy when you do not have a lot of money. Sadly, when people think this way, they pick up unhealthy nutritional habits. There is a way, however, to be healthy on a budget! Before you go to the grocery store, check to see what you have in your pantry or refrigerator. This helps you figure out what you need to buy. Also, take the time to plan family meals. This will also help… Read More →

How to Keep Your Teen Healthy?

By Doris Vallejo-Aguilar, UT-Austin Spring Intern Adolescence is a period of time during which teens are exploring their choices and adjusting to emotional, mental, and physical change. Not only do you have to worry about the choices your teenagers are making but you have to worry about their nutrition too! It is important we understand teenagers are going through their second major growth period. That is why the nutritional needs for teenagers increase greatly. In order to stay healthy, you have to make sure teens are eating right!… Read More →

Let’s Talk about Breastfeeding

By Doris Vallejo-Aguilar, UT-Austin Spring Intern There is no doubt that breastfeeding is a healthy practice for mothers and babies. The problem is not all mothers know the benefits of breastfeeding. Mothers may also have questions about breastfeeding. Some of these questions may include, are there foods I should avoid eating while pregnant? How often should I breast feed? How will I know whether my baby is getting enough milk? When should I introduce the bottle if I decide to stop breastfeeding or alternate between breast milk and… Read More →

Stay Physically Active with Your Family Year-Round!

By: Doris Vallejo-Aguilar, UT Intern, Spring 2017 Do you find it hard to be active with your family? The key to an active family is finding fun and exciting things to do! Combining a healthy diet and physical activity is important to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. To be healthy, you can be physically active with your family! There are activities you and your family can do every season no matter the weather outside. Image source: Flicker (Va. Dept. of Conservation & Recreation, CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0) When you find yourself… Read More →

Health Trends in Travis County

By Doris Vallejo-Aguilar, UT-Austin Spring Intern Why is it important to know about the health diseases where you live? If you can prevent any health issues, you need to know what is going on around you. In Travis County, the number one cause of death is cancer. Heart disease is the second major cause of death in Travis County. Did you know that heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States too? People may get these diseases because they do not exercise or… Read More →

Check Out Your Neighborhood Center!

By: Doris Vallejo-Aguilar, UT Intern, Spring 2017 Did you know there are places in your neighborhood where you can get food and clothes? These places can also give your children a place to be safe and play. If you need help finding employment community centers are there to help! We can see that community centers provide a wide range of services. The services that community centers offer might depend on where they are located. For example, some community centers have pools and gymnasiums. Other community centers offer basic… Read More →

How to be Food Safe

By: Doris Vallejo-Aguilar, UT Intern, Spring 2017 When we are carrying out our daily routine in the kitchen, it may not cross our minds that there might be harmful bacteria on every counter and utensils we use to prepare food. However, there are a few guidelines we can follow to keep our food safe. These guidelines are called the Fight BAC! Rules. The Fight BAC! Rules are Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill. Let’s find out how we can become food safe! CLEAN The first Fight BAC! Rule is… Read More →

Texas: What Grows in Our Backyard?

By Doris Vallejo-Aguilar, UT Intern, Spring 2017 Have you ever wondered where the fruits and vegetables from our local grocery store come from? The answer is simple. Our fruits and vegetables come from farms and orchards. Orchards are areas where rows of trees are planted to grow fruits. While there may be thousands of farms and orchards across the United States, Texas is one of the largest producers of fresh fruits and vegetables. Texas farms and orchards grow over 60 different fruits and vegetables! Several organizations check our… Read More →

The Uncertainty of Summer Months

By: Doris Vallejo-Aguilar, UT Intern, Spring 2017 When summer comes around, kids are excited to spend their days outdoors and in the pool. Still, some families have to worry about where their children’s meals will come from now that school is out. Why? Sometimes, the only meals kids can depend on are breakfast and lunch served in school. When families have this concern on their shoulders, summers are not so fun. There are programs, however, that provide food to children who are solely dependent on school meals. Image… Read More →

Do You Know Where to Find Your Next Meal?

By Doris Vallejo-Aguilar, UT Intern, Spring 2017 Most of us assume that food is just around the corner at our closest grocery store. Food security is something we can easily take for granted. We have access to food and it is available to us at all times. It helps us keep a healthy life too. There are people who do not know where their next meal will come from. Food insecurity happens when people do not have food available or access to food. We need to look at… Read More →